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Arrearage Computation Implementation and Conversion

This article provides an implementation date for the statewide Arrearage Computation (A/C), and provides a strategy for converting existing A/Cs.
Implementation of Official Statewide A/C:
As of 03/20/2014, all new A/Cs must use the official statewide form.
Conversion of Existing A/Cs
Complete an A/C using the official statewide form when:

  • A new judgment has been granted;
  • Interest balance types have not been updated and there are undistributed payments (necessary if the previous AC did not include the interest grace period);
  • A case has been reopened; and
  • A new (custodial person) CP is being added to the case.

A new (custodial person) CP is being added to the case.

See CSQuest article Arrearage Computation Legal Authorities.