- If a Child Support Services (CSS) District Office receives any executed Acknowledgment of Paternity (AOP), Denial of Paternity, or Rescission of Acknowledgment of Paternity forms, CSS District Office staff should follow instructions for distribution on the form:
- Scan a copy of the original form and e-mail it to the Paternity Services Programs Manager;
- Ensure the appropriate forms go to the appropriate parties; and
- Retain a copy for the CSS District Office.
- Upon receipt of the scanned copy sent via e-mail, the Paternity Services Programs Manager will verify if the document(s) has been filed with the Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) Division of Vital Records. If it has, the form(s) will be rolled into the regular process as defined below in Section VI. If it has not been filed with OSDH Division of Vital Records, the Paternity Services Programs Manager verifies with the CSS District Office that the form has been mailed to OSDH Division of Vital Records.
- Regardless of its filing status with OSDH Division of Vital Records, the Paternity Services Programs Manager reviews the executed form to ensure it is completed correctly. If it is, the executed form is processed per Section VI, subsection 3, below. If it is not, the executed form is processed per the appropriate situation as outlined below in Section VI.
- In the meantime, CSS District Office staff should provide the executed document(s) to their State’s Attorney for review. If the State’s Attorney determines the executed document(s) to be legally sufficient, the CSS District Office may proceed with Order Establishment. If the State’s Attorney determines the executed document(s) not to be legally sufficient, the State’s Attorney will notify Paternity Services Programs Manager.