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Finance Action Request

Arrearage computations are no longer sent through email. If you’re sending a Finance Action Request and need to send Distributed Adjustments your A/C, A folder has been created specifically for finance action request’s A/Cs.

Here’s the process for sending a finance action request and dropping the AC / attachments in the Finance Action Request folder:

  1. Send your FAR to, place the FGN and name in the subject line BUT do not attach any files. Please note “AC in folder” at the end of your request.
  2. Map to the State Office W drive. (Click on Mapping to the State Office W:Drive for instructions on mapping to the drive.)
  3. Select CSED folder.
  4. Go to the Shared Documents folder. There will be sub-folders for AC’s and Other documents.
    1. For finance requests, you will need to use the AC folder.
    2. Within the AC folder, every office and center has its own folder to share AC’s. Don’t use the CFB or your office’s folder.
    3. In the AC folder, there’s a folder for Finance Action Requests. Please drop any attachments pertaining to your adjustment request in this folder.
  5. Please save the files using the FGN in the file name so we can match the documents to the correct request.

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