Arrearage computations are no longer sent through email. If you’re sending a Finance Action Request and need to send Distributed Adjustments your A/C, A folder has been created specifically for finance action request’s A/Cs.
Here’s the process for sending a finance action request and dropping the AC / attachments in the Finance Action Request folder:
- Send your FAR to, place the FGN and name in the subject line BUT do not attach any files. Please note “AC in folder” at the end of your request.
- Map to the State Office W drive. (Click on Mapping to the State Office W:Drive for instructions on mapping to the drive.)
- Select CSED folder.
- Go to the Shared Documents folder. There will be sub-folders for AC’s and Other documents.
- For finance requests, you will need to use the AC folder.
- Within the AC folder, every office and center has its own folder to share AC’s. Don’t use the CFB or your office’s folder.
- In the AC folder, there’s a folder for Finance Action Requests. Please drop any attachments pertaining to your adjustment request in this folder.
- Please save the files using the FGN in the file name so we can match the documents to the correct request.