The CSS Reverse Directory is a searchable online database that contains information about CSS State Office staff, such as contact information and job responsibilities. It was created to help solve the problem of CSS field office staff not knowing who in State Office they needed to contact for assistance with any problems.
The CSS Reverse Directory allows the user to search for State Office staff in four different ways: by name, by telephone number, by responsibility, and by viewing all staff in a State Office center in an organizational chart-styled format.
The CSS Reverse Directory is available on the Our InfoNet Home SharePoint site. Under the Service Divisions drop-down menu, select Child Support Services. The Reverse Directory is among the links on the Child Support Services dashboard. Sometimes it is an array of images, other times it is a carousel presentation.
This will bring up the Reverse Directory main menu.
The main menu allows the user to choose what kind of search to perform. The options are:
Employee Search By Name
Clicking on this option will take the user to the Employee Search By Name page. On this page, the user can enter full or partial first and/or last name information to find CSS State Office personnel.
Instructions and Tips
The user can enter name information into one or both text fields before searching. Please be aware entering more information will lead to fewer matches when searching, while entering less information will lead to more matches. It is recommended that the user enter as much information as they are confident in to limit the number of matches found and increase the chance of the user finding the person for whom they are searching.
The user can also use the “?” and “*” wildcards. The “?” represents a single letter. For example, searching for “J?n” would find “Jon” and “Jan”, but would not find “John” or “Johnson”. The “*” represents one or more letters. For example, searching for “J*n” would find “Jon,” “Jan,” “John,” and “Johnson.”
If the user attempts to search without entering any information, they will get an error message on the same screen.
If the search does not return any matches, the user will get an error message on a new screen and will have to go back to the search screen by using the navigation bar or the browser’s “back” button.
Search By Telephone Number
Clicking on this option will take the user to the Search By Telephone Number page. On this page, the user can enter a full or partial telephone number to find the CSS State Office personnel associated with the telephone number.
Instructions and Tips
Please note that the telephone search only searches on the primary phone numbers of employees. If the phone number being searched for is only listed as an alternate number or fax number, no matches will be returned.
The user can use the “?”wild card to replace a single digit of a phone number. For example, searching for (405) 522-123? will return matching records for (405) 522-1231,(405) 522-1232, (405) 522-1233, etc.
Please note that while the telephone search can search on partial numbers, there are limits to how this works. The phone number is split into 3 parts: the area code, the local code, and the last four digits. Each of these parts has its own distinct field and each part must be either completed or left blank. For example, if the user wants to find employees whose phone number ends with “88”, then the user should enter “??88” in the field for the last four digits. If the user only enters “88” in this field and tries to search, the user will receive an error message.
Please note that many State Office employees have phone numbers with (405) 522-, so the telephone search is unlikely to be useful unless you know part of the last 4 digits of the phone number.
If the user attempts to search without entering any information, they will get an error message on the same screen.
If the search does not return any matches, the user will get an error message on a new screen and will have to go back to the search screen by using the navigation bar or the browser’s “back” button.
Search By Responsibility
Clicking on this option will take the user to the Search By Responsibility page. On this page, the user can enter a responsibility to find the CSS State Office personnel associated with that responsibility.
Instructions and Tips
The user can also use the “?” and “*” wildcards. The “?” represents a single letter. For example, searching for “J?n” would find “Jon” and “Jan”, but would not find “John” or “Johnson”. The “*” represents one or more letters. For example, searching for “J*n” would find “Jon,” “Jan,” “John,” and “Johnson.”
Please be aware that providing more specific information will result in fewer matches while providing less information will result in more matches. If the user tries a search that is too specific, it may result in very few or even zero matches. In this case, the user should try again using a broader, less specific search. If the user tries a search that is too broad, there may be more results than can be effectively browsed. In this case, the user should try again using a more specific search.
If the user has a suggestion for a different keyword to find a specific responsibility, the user should submit it using the Provide Feedback or Suggestion link on the main menu.
List Employees By Center
Clicking on this link will take the user to the List Employees By Center page. On this page, the user can select a CSS State Office Center from a drop-down list to browse that Center’s personnel.
Instructions and Tips
This page provides the user with an expandable organizational chart showing layers of supervision within the center. For each person the following information is given:
- Name
- This is the name of the employee. Name information is in the following order: first name, middle initial, nickname (in quotation marks), last name.
- Telephone Number
- his is the employee’s main telephone number.
- Title
- This is the employee’s job title.
The user can click on the show/hide button next to an employee or center name to show or hide the next level of employees. If there is not a next level under that employee, a button will not be available.
Provide Feedback Or Suggestion
Clicking on this link will take the user to the Feedback/Suggestion page. On this page, the user can submit feedback and suggestions for the CSS Reverse Directory.
Instructions and Tips
The main intent of this page is to allow the user to provide feedback and suggestions to improve the database and correct any information that may be incorrect. For instance, if the user finds an error, such as an incorrect phone number, this is where to report it. If the user performs a search and does not get the expected/desired results, the user can use this page to submit what was searched for and what result(s) were expected. When providing feedback, the user should attempt to be as specific as possible to aid the CSS Reverse Directory administrators in making the requested changes.
Please be aware that submitting feedback is not anonymous! When feedback is submitted, the user’s U number is captured and attached to the feedback email that the CSS Reverse Directory administrators receive. Due to this, the user is not required to include their name or contact information when submitting feedback.
CSS Reverse Directory administrators will attempt to make changes as quickly as possible. Please be aware that some feedback may require research on the administrative side before any change can be made. If the administrators do not have enough information to make the requested change, they will contact you to request more information.
Directory Administration & Maintenance
This link is only for designated CSS Reverse Directory administrators. Access is denied for most employees. CSS Reverse Directory administrators attempt to make changes as quickly as possible.