Veterans Administration (VA) benefits are a type of financial assistance provided to veterans and their dependents. While CSS cannot garnish VA benefits directly, the amount of VA benefits income is important for establishing and modifying child support orders.
You should check the FCRL screen VA data field prior to initiating an establishment or modification action. If the VA data field is blank you can use the Child Support Portal (CSP) and QUICK to request information on VA benefits manually.
After requesting information through CSP/QUICK, you should receive a response in about a week. Also, the inquiry will populate the VA field on the FCRL screen.
To request VA benefit information through CSP/QUICK, follow the steps below:
- On the next page, click “Agree.”
- Enter the veteran’s Social Security number and click “GO.” The website will bring up the Family Group Number (FGN), Name, Date of Birth, and Participant Type of the veteran you searched.
- To submit an inquiry:
- In the Case Selection field, check the box next to the FGN and veteran’s name
- In the Locate Source Type field, check the Department of Veterans Affairs box, marked “DVA”
- In the User Text field, enter the veteran’s FGN,
- In the Submitter’s Email Address field, enter your email address, and
- Click “Submit”
You should receive a reply email about a week after submitting an inquiry.
If the veteran is receiving benefits, VA benefit information will also automatically appear in the VA field of FCRL after the inquiry has been addressed.
You can also review the CSQuest article Military and Service Members Relief Act article links for additional information about military matters.