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Interest Accrual on Oklahoma Orders

Below is a brief explanation of how interest accrues on cases with Oklahoma orders.

  1. For orders established in Oklahoma, interest accrues at the rate of 2% simple interest (effective 11/01/16) per annum on any applicable unpaid balances:
    • Per Oklahoma state law enacted July 1977
    • On a monthly basis as of the close of the month
    • Interest is calculated from the accrual date in the original child support order, unless interest has been adjudicated per a court order


    • Interest accrued at 10% simple interest per annum through 10/31/16
    • For orders established in other states, the law of the state entering the order determines the amount and rate of interest due.
    Note: The Electronic Bypass Flag was an OSIS indicator that was programmed as part of the initial case conversion to interest balances. This indicator is no longer valid. Disregard any electronic bypass flags that exist on OSIS.
  2. To allow for employer income withholding schedules, Child Support Services (CSS) does not accrue interest until arrearages exceed one month’s current support. This comes from policy- 340:25-5-140.1 (d), ITS 3.

When judgment for a prior time period is granted (e.g., paternity time periods, married/separated, new orders granted against mother, etc.), interest begins accruing on the effective date of the order.