The TRMLS screen is the termination of cash medical (CM) case list. It displays cases in the termination of CM process. Cases listed are in the process of CM termination. This includes cases that have had the initial proposed termination notice sent but no final resolution date has been entered on the screen.
The screen can be accessed by user or by office.
To access by user: TRMLS U# example: TRMLS U12345
To access by office: TRMLS Office Code example: TRMLS OKA
To select a case from the list, tab next to the case you want to select and type S; then press enter. This will access the case in the TRMCM screen.
The TRMCM screen provides a summary of recent activity for CM termination. The top section of the screen displays the dates for actions taken by the worker. The TERMINATION NOTICE: field automatically populates the date that a health care coverage is added to the case for at least one child and the Notice of Proposed Termination of Cash Medical Support document is requested (CM01 for the NCP and CM02 for each CP). This document will automatically generate when health care coverage information is updated on the POLA screen as verified and the policyholder code is AP (NCP), AS (NCP spouse) or AG (NCP parent). If any other code is used then the CM01 and CM02 will need to be manually generated. The bottom of the screen displays system messages and allow the worker to enter messages. If a message needs to be entered, press the F5 key. This will bring up the CSLOGA screen and flag the message as a CM message. The first line of the message will display in the message area of the TRMCM screen. To view case log messages press the F4 key.
After the Notice of Proposed Cash Medical Termination (CM01 and CM02) has generated the parties have 10 days to object to the termination of CM. When a response is received from either party update the information on the TRMCM screen in the corresponding RESPONSE DATE field. Enter the response date and either Y for yes or N for no in the OBJECT field. The system will automatically enter a message in the lower part of the screen and in CSLOGO.
If neither party responds or all responses are no objection, then a Notice of Termination of Cash Medical Support (CM07) will generate automatically. The CM07 should then be filed with the court and the obligation updated to remove the CM. The RESOLUTION DATE field on the TRMCM screen should be updated with the date and the resolution code:
T – Terminate CM support
C – Continue CM support
R – Full review and adjustment started
The system will insert a message in the message area of the TRMCM screen and CSLOGO. The FGN will then be dropped from the TRMLS list.
If any party objects, the worker will do an Administrative Review within 10 days. After the review is completed, a Notice of Administrative Review Decision (CM06) is sent to all parties informing them of the review decision. The TRMCM screen must be updated with this information in the OCSS REVIEW DECISION field with the date and the decision code:
T – Terminate CM
C – Continue CM
R – Full review and adjustment started
M – Manual CM termination
The parties then have 15 days to request a hearing in writing if they do not agree with the review decision. If the decision code is T and no hearing request is received, the CM07 will generate automatically. This will need to be filed with the court, and copies mailed to the parties. Update the RESOLUTION DATE field as explained above.
If any party requests a hearing then the worker will set a hearing within 10 days. Update the HEARA screen with the hearing information. Use the code CM in the CONF/HEARING TP field. This will flag the system to populate the CM HEARING DATE field on the TRMCM screen.
After the hearing, the worker will prepare the Order Regarding Termination of Cash Medical (CM08) and file with the court. The TRMCM screen should be updated with the resolution date and code. The system will insert a message in the message area of the TRMCM and CSLOGO. The FGN will now be dropped from the TRMLS list.