If you are doing a full or partial release of a levy, please follow these instructions:
- Check attorney on PTDFU FGN C OBLSEQ, or OBLU
- Pull up the LENL and select FIDM, check the institution name and the filing date as a levy could have gone out to more than 1 bank.
- Go to DiscImage and search for the CSF06.
- Copy the bank name and address. Scroll down and write down the account numbers.
- Prepare a fax cover sheet for the bank. Fax numbers can be found on the FIDM Index in the FIDM Coordinator’s Thursday e-mails.
- Pull up the F10- F/Part Release Levy FI/NCP/CSS Copy on ALC, and it will prompt you to type in the Name of the Financial Institution and the address.
- It will ask you for the account numbers, with a 4 line max, each account number should be entered on a different line. (You will have to do the F10 for each bank only, not each account number).
- If it is a partial release, select “User entered levy amount” under the Select a blank line or enter the levy amount field.
- Pull up the F08-Not of Ad Rev Decision-Bank Levy (for partial releases) on ALC, and enter the date you will be mailing the notice to the NCP. It will also ask for the method of delivery, and who it was sent to.
- Mark the correct box on the F10 and the F08 (if partial release), stating if it is a full or partial levy release and take them to the attorney for signature.
- Once levy release is signed, fax the F10 to the bank. Make a stapled copy of the Bank’s copy and NCP’s copy.
- Mail the original (F10 and F08) copies to the bank and NCP.
Do not send these documents to the CP.
- Update LENL with the release date, if levy was released in full.
- Staple our original copy, the copies of the NCP’s and bank’s original, fax confirmation, and fax cover sheet together and place in file.
Legal Authority:
340:25-5-212; 56 O.S. §§ 240.22-240.22G; 45 CFR §§ 666(a)(17) and 669A; 42 USC Chapter 7 Subchapter IV Part A