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Secondary Employer

A Secondary Employer is an additional verified employer, created by the caseworker APEU update, the Employer Services Center (ESC) or is a new hire, within the last 30 days. This is not always a true second job. It is an additional verified employer.

OSIS will determine if percentage paid is below the threshold.

  • Monthly Total Due from CSPAYI $100.00
  • Payments for the last 45 days $30.00 =
  • Percentage Paid 30%

IWO will generate to additional employer(s)

If a case receives new, verified employer information, OSIS will evaluate the case (all of NCPs cases, percent paid is calculated at the Absent Parent level) to see what percentage of support has been paid in the last 45 days. Specifically, it will look at the total amount due on CSPAYI and compare what is due for 30 days to what has actually been paid for the last 45 days.

If the NCP is paying by employer withholdings (K/WA or K/SS) less than 80% of their monthly obligation in the month prior to the second employer match, then an Income Withholding Order (IWO) will be automatically issued to the new employer.

If the NCP is paying greater than 80% of their monthly amount due by employer withholdings (K/WA or K/SS) then no IWO will issue  But, if the NCP later drops below paying 80% and the second employer (that did not have an IWO previously issued) is still on APEU, then an IWO will be issued.

  • Medical, spousal, Annual Notice percent (AN%) are all included
  • Only looking at K/WA and K/SS payments
  • We already have an IWO on the existing verified employer, and it is not paying the full amount
  • IWOs can go to more than one additional employer

OSIS will determine if percentage paid is below the threshold.

  • Monthly Total Due from CSPAYI $100.00
  • Payments for the last 45 days $150.00 =
  • Percentage Paid 100%

IWO will NOT generate to additional employer(s)!

Screen print of the income assignment information (iai) screen with the new field for Multiple IWOs highlighted.
The IAI screen displays the date when multiple initial IWOs were created by the IWO analyzer for a Family Group Number (FGN). The date field will be spaces if the IWO analyzer did not create multiple IWOs. If the IWO analyzer creates multiple initial IWOs at a later date, the date will be reset with the latest date. The screen tag and field will be added to the line with CURRENT SUPPORT AMOUNT: and CSS to the second heading line.

Interstate Referrals

OSIS will not generate an IWO if there is an active outgoing interstate referral regardless of whether the active outgoing referral has a smaller or larger referral sequence number, the analyzer will stop and not generate an IWO once it “sees” that the FGN has an active outgoing interstate referral.

Medical Support

If two IWOs go out for 100%, and there is no active medical on OSIS, two MED5As will go out. You will also want to keep an eye out for the possible situation in which two employers could potentially attempt to enroll the same child(ren). You can call the parties and see if they have a preference on which employer provides medical. Or, you could have a situation in which one employer is providing medical, and one is withholding child support. Please make sure NOT to delete the employer that is providing medical, even if they are paying 0% of the child support.

If an NCP really is working two jobs, he and the local office can decide if they want to split the amount between the two, or have it all come from one or the other. Amended IWOs will go out to all verified employers. So please make sure you are keeping APEU cleaned up.

Make sure you are pulling IWOs when appropriate. For example, you might have an NCP paying 79%. Maybe we are in the process of right-sizing an order. That NCP gets a second or third job to make ends meet.  In this case, you might want to pull the second employer IWO while you finish the modification process. See the article on “Pulling an Income Withholding Order.”

Screen print of the income assignment notice error “work” list (iane) highlighting a pended case.Screen print of the income assignment notice suppression inquiry screen (iamsi) highlighting the worker action field.

Work Your IANE List!

Remember to check your IANE list! When an IWO does not issue out, the case and the reason that the IWO was not issued are listed on three lists (the IANE “work” list, the outgoing Interstate list and the Informational List). There are several reasons that an IWO might not issue. For example, there is an entire list devoted to outgoing interstate cases (the other state should be enforcing the case) with a recent employer match and No payments. For second employer matches on the IANE Informational list/screen will be a reason 14 listing when no IWO was issued (because the NCP is paying more than 80%). That IWO could still be manually issued immediately if the Child Support Services (CSS) staff determines that this was a new job and the old employment was terminated.

The IANE screen lists reasons a case was rejected by the income assignment automated process. Workers are able to delete a message after resolving the error. An IANE message will only stay deleted if the case no longer meets the criteria that originally created it. Messages may be viewed by office or worker.

IAMSI allows all child support workers to view information related to the IANE message. It gives the worker action for each message, if the message can be suppressed, and how long the message will be suppressed. It also allows workers to see if the message is on the work list or information list.