Interstate unemployment claims can be offset in three different ways:
- Direct Income Withholding Order (fully automated by OSIS, caseworker takes no direct action)
- If a state accepts IWOs directly, OSIS will automatically send an IWO for that state.
- Automated IWO sent to the responding state’s employment security commission.
- Will not affect other IWO’s to employers.
- Limited Services Interstate Referral (partially automated by OSIS, some direct caseworker action required)
- If a state does not accept IWOs but does accept limited services intergovernmental referrals OSIS will automatically print a special Transmittal #1(I15FA) directly into Discimage.
- The caseworker will review the Intergovernmental Reference Guide (IRG) on the Child Support Portal (see example below) to find what additional documents are required (e.g., Payment Record, Copy of Order, etc.)
- OSIS creates an information only referral (REFI) that is pended.
- The child support specialist will tie that REFI referral to the obligation (OBL) and send the special Transmittal #1 (I15FA) with any required documents to the other state using the Electronic Document Exchange (EDE) or regular mail.
- Full-Service Interstate Referral (no OSIS automation)
- If a state does not accept direct IWOs or limited-service referrals, then a full-service intergovernmental referral is done and forwarded to the responding state’s central registry.
To view the most current classification of states access the Intergovernmental Reference Guide (IRG) on the Child Support Portal.
- Select the state that you want to check their classification at the top of the page and press GO.
- Next in the Program Category field, select Income Withholding.
- Scroll to questions 8 and 8.1 to see what the state requires.
Content Manager on Demand (CMOD) Reports for Interstate UIB Intercept
There are four Content Manager on Demand (CMOD) Reports for Intergovernmental UIB intercepts.
- CS648R01 – New Out-of-State UIB Referrals
- CS648R02 – Current Interstate Referrals: FCR UIB from Different State
- CS649M01 – Total Counts by State/Requirement
- CS659M01 – Interstate UIB Collections Report
NOTE: If you need more information on using CMOD, please review the article How to Use Content Manager on Demand.