Usually, OSIS will automatically create a pending referral when an out of state address is verified for the NCP. However, there are situations when the child support specialist will need to create one manually.
The first step is to access the REFA screen.
To access this screen pull up your case in OSIS and tab to the NEXT field and type REFA.
There are several fields that will need to be filled in on this screen. Simply tab through the page to go from one field to the other. The fields that will need to be completed are:
- O = outgoing
- I = incoming
- SVC REQUESTED (service requested)
- I = Information only
- F = Full service
- L = Locate only
- REF/REC DATE (referral/receive date) – Only enter a date if you are ready to activate the referral
- CP – CP sequence number
- OBL SEQ (Obligation sequence) – IF this is an establishment case this will be a pending obligation
- 01 – enforce OK order
- 02 – enforce R/S order
- 03 – enforce foreign order
- 04 – establish and/or modify order and enforce
- 05 – expedited process OK Admin order
- 06 – request registration and enforcement of existing order
- 07 – request enforcement of existing judgment
- 08 – initiate income assignment
- 10 – other
- CONTACT FIPS – Central Registry FIPS code of the responding state
- Outgoing – leave blank
- Incoming – must be the same as I/S Central Registry FIPS code
- REF WRKR – assigned OK worker U #
- REF OFFC (referral office) – the office code of the office that the referral is assigned to
- DT ASSG (date referral assigned to the office)
- Press enter
The pended referral is now complete and can be seen on the CSML screen.