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HOPE is All Around Us – Intellectual Wellness

Reviewed Content on May 30, 2024.

Have you been hearing about the Science of HOPE and wondering what it is? Are you worried it is going to add on to your workload? Are you worried it will change the way you perform your work?

We were overwhelmed too when the Science of HOPE first started being mentioned, but what we quickly learned was that we have been performing HOPE-centered work here at CSS already!! The HOPE is All Around Us article series is here to make those connections for all of us, so that we can see we have already been nurturing HOPE within CSS and in our interactions with our customers! One of those many connections is all the resources, pathways, and information on Wellness we have available.

Did you know that life-long learning is part of intellectual wellness? Have you heard of lifelong learning before? It is a certainty that you engage in lifelong learning for your work, hobbies, parenting your children and grandchildren, and other aspects of your life. The CSQuest article, What is Wellness? tells us that intellectual wellness encourages us to engage in creative and mentally stimulating activities. The reason for engaging in these activities is because it helps develop intellectual wellness and helps develop internal pathways for other areas of wellness, work, and personal activities. Additionally, intellectual wellness stimulates curiosity about the world we live in, and it motivates us to try new things.

We can easily see how intellectual wellness is connected to the Science of HOPE. Activities related to setting goals, working to accomplish personal goals, and the motivation and will to achieve our desired goals are first imagined in our minds through our experiences. One of the guiding principles of HOPE states: Imagination is the instrument of HOPE. What that means is, imagination begins and drives goal setting. To be able to set and achieve a goal, you must be able to envision that goal, the pathways needed, and how to maintain the necessary willpower.

The CSQuest article Inciting Your Intellectual Wellness has suggestions for sparking your intellectual wellness. The article states that doing tasks – the more complicated the better – our brains cells will be conserved, reducing cognitive decline as we age. Activities to take care of our intellectual wellness include reading, exploring, creating, and doing something outside our routine. These tasks stimulate brain activity and keep us mentally agile.

This is connected to the Science of HOPE because we must be able to see things differently, especially when we run into obstacles in pursuit of our goals. Increased mental flexibility is crucial in identifying obstacles and new pathways around those obstacles. It can also help in managing stress and willpower levels. You must have pathways in order to achieve your goals and often the pathway we begin on is not the one that takes us to the finish line.

The CSQuest article Resiliency – Overcoming and Bouncing Back also makes connections between intellectual wellness and HOPE. Resiliency is the ability to overcome, grow, and bounce back from all kinds of challenges. The article mentions taking steps to solve a problem or difficulty. We are also encouraged to come up with a plan to address the problems that could rob our HOPE. In the process of getting through the challenge we can learn about ourselves.

This is related to HOPE in that it requires initiative and problem-solving skills to identify pathways and strengthen willpower. When we set goals, these are things we want to change for the better in our lives. Challenges will arise from many different areas and having a strong understanding of your intellectual wellness means you can maintain your willpower while pursuing pathways toward your goal.

If you have been checking out the HOPE is All Around Us articles, you know that HOPE comes from unexpected places in our day-to-day lives and has been a part of our work at CSS long before we had a term for it. Now we can continue to nurture HOPE to people we encounter in our work and personal lives more intentionally with a shared vocabulary.

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The accuracy of this CS Quest Article is up to date as of May 30, 2024.