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What needs to be updated in OSIS for Paternity & Establishment

It is good case management to update certain screens, and it helps your office as well as child support’s audit outcome. Also, screen updates enhance child support’s performance measures and the incentives that are received for reaching benchmarks.

OSIS screens that will be discussed include HEARU, EPOU, ADOU, PESU, and DOCSU.

OSIS HEARU screen with data fields to be updated highlighted

HEARU – CSS Hearing Request and Review Update

The HEARU screen is for updating hearing information. Case workers can benefit from updating this screen after scheduling and holding hearings.

Data to update are the Conference or Hearing indicator, the Conference or Hearing Type, the Disposition and the explanation of the disposition.

  1. The conference or hearing indicator communicates whether the hearing or conference was a hearing, coded H; if it was a conference –CSS procedure (conference), coded C, or genetic test coded G.
  2. The Conference or Hearing type codes for paternity and establishment include: (For a complete list of conference/hearing codes see HEARL Cheat Sheet.)

    Hearing Type Explanation


    Establish Child Support
    Genetic Test Appointment BP
    Genetic Test Appointment Child
    Genetic Test Appointment NCP
    Paternity & Child Support
  3. Disposition refers to the outcome of the conference or hearing. See HEARL Cheat Sheet for all available disposition codes.
  4. In the Disposition Explanation field the case worker can write a short description of the disposition of the conference or hearing that more fully explains the disposition code. For example, if the disposition code is CAN (cancelled) the explanation could be something like, “CP in hospital, NCP agreed to reschedule.”

    HEARU will only allow update to the Hearing Disposition and Disposition fields. It is not possible to type over hearing information in an existing HEARL entry.

    If a mistake is made HEARL will not allow type-over. Use HEARC to copy the hearing information and make corrections to the new entry before pressing enter. Then, enter an ERR disposition on the original/incorrect hearing entry.

OSIS EPOU screen with data fields to be updated highlighted

EPOU – Paternity Establishment Information Update

Paternity data for pending obligations is updated using the EPOU screen. There are three data fields that need updating. These fields are found in the lower half of the screen and include “FND” (findings), “FND DT” (findings date) and “PAT%” (Percentage of probability of paternity – e.g., 99.99% probability). The information entered on EPOC and updated on EPOU is essential for accurate report data on the Paternity Results section of the True North Dashboard.

  1. The FND field is updated with one of these codes:

    EPOU FND Codes

    Alleged father excluded
    Pending adoption
    Paternity established, not best interest of child
    Positive genetic test
    Pending paternity action
    Child reached majority/statute of limitations expired
    Voluntary acknowledgment
    Default finding
  2. FND DT field is updated with the date the findings were made.
  3. The PAT% field is updated with the genetic test percentage result. This can be found on the LabCorp report.
OSIS ADOU screen with data fields to be updated highlighted

ADOU – Administrative Order Information Update

ADOU is used for married/separated or mother obligor cases.

The ADOU screen is a blending of the PTDFU (Plaintiff/Defendant Update) screen and the PESU (Paternity Establishment Supporting Information Update) and is the CSS Administrative Order Information screen. It is used to update data for pending obligations before the computer prints out documents.

The information to be updated concerns the arrearage data.

Type refers to the arrearage type. “Total” is the amount of arrears, while “From” is the beginning date of the arrearage period, and “To” is the ending date of the arrearage period. For a complete list and explanation of case types see Case Types Explained.

OSIS PESU screen with data fields to be updated highlighted

PESU – Paternity Establishment Supporting Information Update

The data fields to be updated include the “Sequence Type,” “Type,” “Total Judgments,” and “From” and “To” dates for the period of time the judgement will be due.

  1. Sequence refers to the arrearage sequence number. For example, the three ending digits in the FGN is the arrearage sequence number.
  2. Type refers to the arrearage type. The most frequently used codes will be:PC – Court ordered non PA – in stateCC – Court ordered TANF – in state

    GO – Genetic testing

    See Case Types Explained for a full list and explanation of case types.

  3. TOT is the total amount of the requested judgement.
  4. FR refers to the beginning date of the requested judgment.
  5. TO is the ending date of the requested judgment.
OSIS DOCSU screen with data fields to be updated highlighted

DOCSU – Document Service Update

The DOCSU screen is where hearing information is updated. There are several data fields to be updated on this screen. Below are some of those fields. See DOCSU Cheat Sheet for a complete list of codes for updating DOCSU data fields.

  1. “Service To” refers to whom service of process is directed.
  2. “Service To Name” is the name of the person to be served.
  3. “Type of Service” data field is the type of service to be used.
  4. “CM Track NBR” refers to the certified mail tacking number and “EZ Job NBR” refers to the EZ Messenger tracking number for personal service.
  5. “Name of Server” refers to the name of the process server or person who delivered the documents.
  6. “Person Served” refers to the case member or other person to be served.
  7. “Name of Person Served” is the name of the person served. Enter the name of the actual person to whom the process of service was delivered. If it was someone in the household, but not the target of the service, enter that name.
  8. “Affidavit Received” indicates if the Affidavit of Service was returned to the office.
  9. “Service Results” is the outcome of the process of service attempt.
  10. “Date” is the date of the service results.
  11. “Termination Reason.” If the action was terminated, enter the appropriate code explaining this outcome:
  12. “Number of attempts” enter the actual number of attempts to serve.
  13. “Date Service Filed with Court” enter the date the service was filed with the court.