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How to Generate an Authorization Number for Genetic Testing

Reviewed Content on March 25, 2024

An authorization number for genetic testing is needed for Child Support Services to bill for the lab test. The authorization number is generated in OSIS and involves the EPOC or EPOU (Paternity Establishment Information (Create or Update)), PTDFU (CSED Plaintiff/Defendant Update), and PESC (Paternity Establishment Supporting Information) screens. This article explains the information needed in these screens in order to obtain an authorization number for genetic testing.

To use EPOC or EPOU the IV-D status must be 02, case priority code should be 4, and legal status should be M. It is assumed you searched for a signed Affidavit of Paternity (AOP), have checked with the custodial parent about potential fathers, and have selected the most likely person to be genetically tested. (Note, in same sex relationships, in Oklahoma, females cannot be adjudicated as the father), as well as other research on the non-custodial parent.

In the process of generating an authorization number for genetic testing you may not have calculated the guidelines if you are in the process of identifying the biological father of the child. You can skip the guidelines fields if you don’t have that information at the time. Once the most likely father is identified through genetic testing you will want to run the guidelines before you prepare the pending obligation, including the judgement amount. It is not necessary to have this information if you are only generating the authorization number for genetic testing.

Get to PESC via EPOC/U

The OSIS screen where data is input telling OSIS to create an authorization number is on the PESC screen. The way to get to PESC is through EPOC or EPOU. Or, in the OBL (Obligation) screen type PESC if obligation is still pended.

If a pleading has already been generated, EPOU is used (recall ‘U’ at the end of a screen name means “Update”). If you are creating a new pleading, you would use EPOC (‘C’ at the end of a screen name means “Create”).

Three ways to get to EPOC will be discussed. You may know another way to get to EPOC. If you do, please tell us how you get there in the comments box below.


CSML screen with EPOC highlighted
The CSML Screen with EPOC highlighted.

Three Ways to get to EPOC –

Method number 1: For cases that have no pending or prior obligation

– Login to OSIS and clear the screen. On the blank OSIS screen type CSML followed by a space (space bar) and the FGN of the case you are generating an authorization code for.

On CSML, at the bottom of the screen type EPOC.

The EPOU screen appears.

Method number 2 – For cases with a pending obligation
– Login to OSIS and clear the screen. On the blank screen type EPOU followed by a space (space bar) and the FGN of the case you are generating the authorization number for.

EPOU will appear.

Method number 3 – from OBL for previously pended obligations
You can also access EPOU from the OBL screen that lists Previously Pended obligations or you can type PESU from OBL. This is how you will update your GT findings.

EPOU will appear.

For this article we will assume the pleading is the first one and we will use EPOC.


EPOC screen with numbered data fields
EPOC Screen with numbered data fields.


EPOC Screen

Information on data fields and codes for OSIS screens can be found by typing m (space) OSIS Screen name (e.g., CSML) plus data (no spaces between the screen name and data) (“m CSMLdata”). Type this next to the “NEXT:” field. You can also find information in the OSIS Screen Books found in Outlook at Public Folders>All Public Folders>OCSS All>OSIS Related Items>OSIS Screen Books. For instructions on how to find the Screen Books, visit this CSQuest article: Where Are Those OSIS Screen Books?

In EPOC enter the following information:

  1. APP represents Applicant. In our example, the applicant is the birth parent. BP represents birth parent.
  2. PROC TP represents Procedure Type, and refers to the type of court. A represents Administrative, J represents Judicial. For this example we are using A.
  3. Ord TP represents Order Type. Possibilities include P for Paternity Only; B for Obligation and Paternity; O for Obligation Only, and T for Temporary. In our example we are using B.
  4. OK CNTY refers to the Oklahoma county where the case is located. In our example we are using LeFlore County, which has the county code of 40.

Other information does not need to be filled in until you get down to the section asking who is included in genetic testing. This tells OSIS who will be included in the order. Therefore, for each person to be included in the order, including the children, place Y in the appropriate space.

  1. In the space next to AP Included in Test? insert a Y
  2. In the space next to BP Included in Test? insert a Y
  3. In the space indicating which children are to be tested insert a Y for each child. In this example there are 2 children. Under Child Name, we have entered the names of the children, and indicated they are part of the order by inserting a Y across from each of their names.After entering the names of the children and a Y for them, press ENTER.
  4. Update Verify appears and OSIS will wait until you enter a Y next to it. After entering the Y press ENTER.


PTDFU screen
PTDFU Screen.


PTDFU Screen

This leads to the Plaintiff Defendant Update (PTDFU) screen. This screen is for entering the legal style information. Since we are generating an authorization number for genetic testing we can bypass this screen by pressing Enter.


PESC screen with numbered data fields
PESC Screen with data fields indicated with numbers.


PESC Screen

The Paternity Establishment Supporting Information Screen (PESC) screen appears.

Building a Judgment – this section is optional. Please check with your office management to determine who will complete the judgment portion of this screen. If someone else is responsible for this section, skip to number 5, below.

  1. If you are generating a pending pleading, you can go ahead and enter the amount owed for a prior period, also known as the judgement amount. This refers to the arrearage type. This fictitious case we’re using as an example uses type PC, which means court ordered, non- public assistance (e.g., private) type. To see more Type codes, use the OSIS screen books for commonly used codes.
  2. The arrearage amount in this example is $18,223.45. This amount was obtained from calculating the guidelines and figuring out the amount using an arrearage worksheet.
  3. The From (FR) refers to the date that the arrearage originated. In this example case, the beginning date of the arrearage is January 1, 2022. As you can see it is entered as MM/DD/YEAR.
  4. The To (TO) refers to the date to which the arrearage was calculated. You may recall that the arrearages can be calculated going back a maximum of two years. This example does that.

Generating the Authorization Number

  1. Next, we can enter the information for generating the authorization for genetic testing. Under the Genetic Testing Information section, you can see the number to test (No. To Test) has been filled in automatically from the EPOC screen.
  2. Next to AUTH NO. enter a Y. This is telling OSIS that you want to generate the authorization number.
  3. The field CH W/BP? is asking if the children will be tested with the biological parent. For this example, the answer is Yes. Therefore, a Y is entered next to this question. We are now finished entering data for generating the Authorization Number. Press Enter.
  4. The Authorization Number appears as soon as Enter is pressed.
  5. There is a message near the bottom of the screen telling you updates are complete. You can update the judgement by pressing F5, or return to EPOU or EPOC by pressing F6.

Congratulations! You now have the knowledge you need to generate an authorization number for genetic testing.

The accuracy of this CS Quest Article is up to date as of 03/25/24.