CBECS produces and maintains an Excel spreadsheet of all active CMOD (Content Manager on Demand) reports, CMOD Active Reports List. The report is updated on a regular basis.
Note: To search the CMOD Active Reports List, you can press CTRL + F to find what you need.
The following data columns are shown:
- Report Number
- Report Title
- Description [of Report]
- Center [Responsible Center for Report]
- Process Assigned [Area or Process to which Report Assigned]
- Access [Who is able to access]
The listing is sorted in the following manner:
- 4DX Reports
- Case Management Reports
- CCR Reports
- Enforcement Reports
- Establishment Reports
- Finance Reports
- Intergovernmental Reports
- Locate Reports
- Medical Support Reports
- Performance Reports
- Review & Adjustment Reports
- Systems Reports
For additional information regarding particular reports please contact either Center for Business Excellence and Customer Service (CBECS) or the responsible Center listed for a particular report.
In addition, to understand what Content Manager on Demand (CMOD) is you may want to review How to Use Content Manager on Demand (CMOD) which includes helpful downloadable cheat sheets for exploring the features of CMOD, finding a report, and exporting report information into an Excel spreadsheet.