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CSOR (Oklahoma Obligation Registration) Screen

The CSOR screen will need to be used only when Oklahoma is not the controlling order state or when Oklahoma was not the original controlling order state but has become the current controlling order state.

CSOR can be accessed from OBLU with the <PF4> key. Everyone who has access to <PF1> will have access to <PF4>.

OBLU Screen

Note that the <PF4> key takes you back to OBLU. The <PF6> key takes you to a history screen.

CSOR Screen.

Enter the order information. The Order County/Tribe is a free-form text field used for the Oklahoma county or tribal office name, and the FIPS is the FIPS code of the Oklahoma office. The Tribal information on CSOR would be used for Tribal offices that use OSIS and have registered a foreign order in their Tribal court.

CSOR Screen continued.

CSORI (Oklahoma Registration Order Inquiry). The CSORI screen is an inquiry-only version of CSOR. It displays all orders entered with CSOR.

CSORI Screen.

Deleting an Entry on CSOR:

If the Oklahoma order information was entered in error or Oklahoma has become the controlling order state, a worker may delete an entry by entering a “T” in the delete field of CSOR. The reason codes are:

  • AE – Administrative Error (When an order should not have been registered)
  • OE – Operator Error (Clerical errors, such as entered on wrong FGN, etc.)
  • CO – Oklahoma now controlling order state

CSORH (Obligation Registration History)

When an order has been deleted from CSOR, the information can be viewed on a history screen by pressing <PF6> from CSOR, or by entering “S” in the select field of CSORI. Information is only displayed for one obligation at a time.

CSORH screen.

Note: If a case contains CSOR information and the obligation is copied with OBLC, the CSOR screen information will also be copied.