Before adding a new address in the system check to see if we already have that address type listed. If there is an address use the ADU screen to update the address.
The ADA screen is used to add addresses to the system. Address types 30, 31, 40, and 41 are not allowed.
To add an address for the NCP:
Access the ADA screen by typing ADA _ address type _the NCP number and press enter
Example: ADA 123456 01
The address types for the NCP are:
01 – NCP mailing address | 10 – NCP institution |
02 – NCP finding address | 15 – NCP attorney |
03 – NCP father | |
04 – NCP mother |
To add Workers’ Compensation Addresses:
These address types cannot be added via the ADA screen. Access the LENWCA screen, enter a “S” next to an address to access the ADA and enter that address. Enter the address information and the system will return to the LENWCA screen.
The address types for Workers’ Compensation are:
06 – NCP WC Insurance | 08 – NCP WC employer |
07 – NCP WC Insurance attorney | 09 – NCP WC attorney |
To add Personal Injury Addresses:
These address types cannot be added via the ADA screen. Access the LENPIA screen, enter a “S” next to an address to access the ADA and enter that address. Enter the address information and the system will return to the LENPIA screen.
The address types for Personal Injury are:
32 – NCP PI Insurance Company | 33 – NCP PI Claimant attorney |
To add an address for the CP:
Access the ADA screen by typing ADA _ address type _the CP number(FGN) _ CP sequence and press enter
Example: ADA 20 123456003 001
The address types for the CP are:
20 – CP mailing address | 22 – CP employer address |
21 – CP finding address | 23 – CP attorney |
To add an address for the BP:
Access the ADA screen by typing ADA_address type_FGN
Example: ADA 19 123456001
17 – BP employer | 19 – BP mailing address |
18 – BP attorney | 24 – BP finding address |
Type 05 address cannot be entered through the ADA screen. The APEU screen must be used to add a new NCP employer address. The CPEU screen must be used to add a new CP employer address.
Once the ADA screen is accessed update all relevant fields and press enter to add the address.
ADA only allows entry of valid, deliverable addresses. If an address is not deliverable the system will display a message that explains the reason. If the address is deliverable the system will display a message that the address has either been validated or standardized.
Validated means that no changes were made to the address.
Standardized means that the address was automatically updated to meet USPS standards. For example, the word street may be changed to ST or the zip code could be updated to the zip+4 zip code.
To Delete an address
Access the ASA screen by typing ASA in the NEXT field of the CSML screen. Press enter.
Find the address you wish to delete. The address status must be “C”. Type ADD next to that specific address and press enter. This will take you to the ADD screen.
Your cursor will automatically start in the “DELETE” field. Type “D” to delete the address and press enter.
You will get a message at the bottom that says “** ADDRESS DELETED **.”
For information on codes for the screen please see the ASA ADU ATL and ADHL Screens Cheat Sheet.
When an address is added/updated for the NCP it is updated on all of the NCP’s cases. If an address is added/updated at the FGN level, it is for that case only.