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How to Update an Attorney’s Information in OSIS

There may be occasions when a customer’s private attorney information needs to be updated or added. For this, the ADA/ADU screens are used.

There are three different address codes for attorneys, depending on which case member has hired them:

  • 15 – AP’s Attorney
  • 18 – BP’s Attorney
  • 23 – CP’s Attorney

If you are inquiring about the BP’s attorney, for example, you would use address code 18.

Closeup of OSIS ADI (address code 18) screen, “ADI”, and “18 – BP Attorney” highlighted

To view current information:

  • Type ADI [address code 15, 18, or 23] [FGN]
  • If there is already attorney information on file, it will be shown on the ADI screen.
  • ADI lists current, pending, or history addresses for the child support system

OSIS ADI screen, address code 15

To update information:

  • For District Office personnel, use ADU [address code 15, 18, or 23] [FGN] to make address updates and maintain old addresses in history.
  • For State Office personnel, use:
    • ADDR – to delete customer addresses
    • ADUR – to update customer addresses

OSIS ADU screen, address code 23

The ADU screen shows the same information as ADI, but it is editable.

If the ADI screen shows no prior attorney information, you may need to add a new name and address. For this, use ADA (access with ADA [address code 15, 18, or 23] [FGN]). Again, you will see the same fields as on ADI and ADU, but this page allows you to enter fresh information.

OSIS ADA screen, address code 23

To prevent an OSIS error, include a work phone number in this new information. After you have finished entering the information required, press the ENTER key. OSIS will verify the information and may standardize the address for you.

To confirm the information is now in OSIS, access ADI for the addresses on file.

For additional information regarding these screens, see the Quest article “Determining Whether a Customer is represented by an Attorney.”