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Using the AAPE Screen

The AAPE screen shows the most recent alternative enforcement actions that have been taken on a case. From this screen a worker may select which action they want to update or view.

Image of the AAPE screen.

Adding a new Notice of Intent to Revoke (NOIR)

When a NOIR is filed the AAPE screen needs to be updated with this information. This will allow the system to keep track of each NOIR that has been filed.

  1. In the select field type LC and press enter. This will take you to the AAPELC screen to enter the license information.
  2. Tab to the ADD LICENSE REVOCATION filed and enter: the BP number, Office code, the date the NOIR was filed (MM,DD,YEAR), and License Type (see below for list of codes). Then press enter.
  3. A new line will appear that shows ENTER X TO APPLY. If the information that was entered is correct type X and press enter.

Image of the AAPELC screen showing license revocation being added.

Updating License Information

Once the order has been completed, the AAPE screen must be updated.

  1. In the select field type LC and press enter. This will take you to the AAPELC screen.
  2. Tab to the line of the license information that you want to update.
  3. Update the LICENSE NBR, ST (State), DISPOSITION (see below for codes), DIS DT (disposition date), CNT NCP (Contact by NCP), and RSLT (see below for codes). Then press enter.
  4. A new line will appear that shows ENTER X TO APPLY. If the information that was entered is correct type X and press enter.

Image of the AAPELC screen with fields to be updated highlighted.

OSIS allows you to make changes to the most recent entry for each KEY sequence. It also keeps a history of all the changes that have been made.

The red indicates updates that can be made for each KEY sequence. This should only be updated when:

  • the probation time period has lapsed
  • the pleading has been withdrawn
  • the license has been completely reinstated without probation

If the license has been revoked and the order places the license back on probation, the changes will be made by typing over LICENSE NBR, DISPOSITION, DIS DT, CNT NCP, and RSLT.

License Type Codes

Driver’s License
Commercial Chauffeur
Professional License
Recreational License
Commercial Driver’s License

License Disposition Codes

Payment Plan
Referred to OBA
Request Denied for Revocation

Adding Bench Warrant Information

When a bench warrant has been issued this information must be added to the AAPE screen.

  1. In the select field enter BW and press enter. This will take you to the AAPEBW screen.
  2. Tab to the ADD BENCH WARRANT field and enter the BP number, Office Code, Filing Date, and the purge fee amount. Then press enter.
  3. A new line will appear that shows ENTER X TO APPLY. If the information that was entered is correct type X and press enter.

Image of the AAPEBW screen showing bench warrant being added.

Updating Bench Warrant Information

When the bench warrant information changes the AAPE screen must be updated.

  1. In the select field enter BW and press enter.
  2. Tab to the line of the bench warrant information that you want to update.
  3. Update the DISPOTION (see below for codes) and the DIST DT, and/or PURGE FEE fields and press enter.
  4. A new line will appear that shows ENTER X TO APPLY. If the information is correct type X and press enter.

Image of the AAPEBW screen with fields to be updated highlighted.

Adding Criminal Warrant Information

When a new criminal warrant is issued the AAPE screen must be updated.

  1. In the select field enter CW and press enter. This will take you to the AAPECW screen.
  2. Tab to the ADD CRIMINAL WARRANT field and enter the BP number, Office Code, and Filing Date. Then press enter.
  3. A new line will appear that shows ENTER X TO APPLY. If the information is correct type X and press enter.

Image of the AAPECW screen showing criminal warrant information being updated.

Updating Criminal Warrant Information

When the information on a criminal warrant changes the AAPE screen must be updated.

  1. In the select field type CW and press enter.
  2. Tab to the line of the criminal warrant information that you want to update.
  3. Update the DISPOSITION (see below for codes), and DIST DT fields. The BP number, Office Code, and Filing Date may also be corrected if needed.
  4. A new line will appear that shows ENTER X TO APPLY. If the information is correct type X and press enter.

Image of the AAPECW screen with fields to be updated highlighted.

Bench and Criminal Warrant Disposition Codes

Arrested – Bond Posted
Arrested – Held Over
Arrested – Purged
Warrant Recalled
Warrant Dismissed
Surrendered to Court
Warrant Issued (obsolete code)
Deferred Sentence
Suspended Sentence
Incarcerated – Dept of Cor.
Warrant Expired
Dismissed (obsolete code)
Declined to Prosecute (obsolete code)
Arrested – Released Personal Recognizance
NCP Sentenced to Cnty Jail for 6 Months

Adding US Attorney Referral Information

When a referral to the US Attorney is made the AAPE screen must be updated.

  1. In the select field type AR and press enter. This will take you to the AAPEAR screen.
  2. Tab to the ADD UD ATTORNEY REF field and enter the BP number, Office Code, and Filing Date. Then press enter.
  3. A new line will appear that shows ENTER X TO APPLY. If the information is correct type X and press enter.

Image of the AAPEAR screen showing US Attorney referral information being added.

Updating US Attorney Referral Information

When the US Attorney Referral Information changes the AAPE screen must be updated.

  1. In the select field type AR and press enter.
  2. Tab to the line of the US Attorney referral information that you want to update.
  3. Update the DISPOSITION and DIS DT fields. The BP number, Office Code, and Filed Date fields may also be corrected.
  4. A new line will appear that shows ENTER X TO APPLY. If the information is correct type X and press enter.

Image of the AAPEAR screen with fields to be updated highlighted.

US Attorney Referral Disposition Codes

Warrant Issued
Deferred Sentence
Suspended Sentence
Declined to Prosecute