Guidelines calculations have been done with either the OSIS Screen GLS or using a dedicated Excel spreadsheet. It has been determined that GLS is the preferable tool for Guidelines for the reasons listed in this article.
GLS is Intuitive
GLS takes the income and healthcare expenses and warns you if it exceeds 5% of income. The warning at the bottom of the GLS4 OSIS screen will say,
GLS Access
Because GLS is a case record/history, case workers across different offices can access that information.
This is important, as without using GLS, your work product and basis for action no longer exist for District office audits, or OCSE audits.
Using GLS plays a role in succession. If a case worker leaves the position, the work they did remains connected to the case in OSIS.
GLS provides historical data of income calculations. This will assist with future reviews and determinations to modify.
The use of GLS provides information that allows RAMENU to suggest possible income sources.
GLS and 20%
The GLS4 OSIS Screen shows whether there has been a 20% increase or decrease from the previous amount. It will show “ + “ for a 20% increase, a “ – “ for a 20% decrease, or blank for no 20% increase or decrease.
GLS is Easier
GLS cuts the work in half. With Excel, after you run the Guidelines, you then must enter the information on OSIS GLS. Calculating Guidelines with GLS removes the extra step.
GLS and OnBase
Excel guidelines can only be saved on OnBase as a PDF. With GLS, when it is saved on OnBase, the information can be updated or changed. PDF editing is an inconvenience at best and difficult at worst.
- Should we turn private orders (Guidelines done by private parties) into GLS?
- This is not needed, because it will go to the obligation screen for mod purposes and other reports.
- Should we use GLS for mod reviews/pleading/ordering cases?
- When you need to run Guidelines, use GLS.
- What about multi-mods?
- In multi-mods, build the combo Guidelines on only one FGN and case log that the multi Guidelines on FGN #XXX. Build individual Guidelines for the rest.
To learn more about GLS, click on the links below to find more resources:
- GLS Simulations, including two tutorials on GLS1 and GLS4 fields, and five practice scenarios that increase in difficulty.
- GLS Cheat Sheets: