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Medical Codes Quick Reference Guide

There are fifteen different codes that may be used to update the obligation (OBL) screen depending on what the ordered states for health care coverage.

The NCP is ordered to carry health care coverage.
The NCP is ordered to pay certain medical cost but health care coverage was not specifically ordered. This requires that the order be modified to address the medical.
ThisĀ code was used in the past when the orderedĀ for permanent cash medical (CM) was due to family violence (FV). If the B code is used for this, then a modification is not necessary.
The CP is ordered to carry health care coverage.
Both the NCP and CP are ordered to carry health care coverage.
Medicaid is ordered and both the NCP and CP are ordered to obtain health care coverage when Medicaid is no longer available.
Indian Health Services (IHS) is ordered.
Medical support was specifically denied in the order by the Judge. This code is also used when the order is for permanent cash medical due to family violence.
Alternative health care coverage is ordered other than Indian Health Services (IHS). This could be a step-parent or other party ordered to carry the health care coverage or if the coverage is through TriCare.
Medicaid is ordered.
The order does not address health care coverage. This requires that the order be modified to address the medical.
Health care coverage was addressed in the order, but the party that is to carry the health care coverage is not clear. This requires that the order be modified to address the medical.
BP required to carry health care coverage, and BP is not the CP.
Medicaid ordered and the NCP is ordered to obtain health care coverage when Medicaid is no longer available.
Medicaid is ordered and the CP is ordered to obtain health care coverage when Medicaid is no longer available.
Neither party has been ordered to carry health care coverage. This requires that the order be modified to address the medical.

The order may indicate more than one type of health care coverage. If the order states that employer sponsored coverage is ordered in addition to any other type of coverage the obligation should be updated with either A, C or D as applicable.