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Military Income Locate Procedures

When trying to locate NCP’s enlisted in the military or civilians working on a contract with the military, some special considerations need to be made. Sometimes, because of security issues, a home or work specific address may not be available. Also, an NCP may not be in the same location for a long period of time. Follow the steps below for the best ways to retrieve information for an NCP.

  • Step 1: Start by checking FCRL for quarterly wage (QW) or the national directory of new hires (NDNH) information. NDNH provides address information for newly hired military personnel and the NDNH/QW record provides address and wage information for long term military members. For instructions on updating OSIS, see the Quest article “Using DCHG and APPU to Verify Military Service.
  • Step 2: Check the Service Members Civil Relief Act (SCRA) to verify military status. This is only for the purpose of verifying active duty status and does not provide past or present employment verification. The individual’s social security number is a requirement for the request. This information can be used in worldwide locator, unless they are Army or Coast Guard because these branches are no longer providing this information.
  • Step 3: Send DoD (Department of Defense) Entitlement request on the Child Support Portal. The information that is received will be equivalent to the contents of a Military Leave and Earnings Statement (LES). It will provide detailed information about base pay, bonus pay, and entitlement payments to noncustodial parents (NCPs), putative fathers (PFs), and custodial parties (CPs) who are active duty and reservists in the military. It will also provide the service member’s address.

Going through these steps should provide the information you need to locate an NCP enlisted in the military or working on a contract for the military. For contact information of the different branches of service, check out Locating Military Personnel.