The following worksheet should be used as a step by step guide when working modifications. There is a printable worksheet at the end of this article.
Date: _________________ FGN: __________________
- □ Verify NCP and CP are located (ASA CURR). If neither in OK, review “Intergovernmental actions made easy.”
- □ Review arrears on CFFBI and attach enforcement action as needed. (90 days no pay/ins = NOIR; judgment = AN)
- □ Clean file; update ECE; update case style in OBL/OBLU.
- □ Look at and for existing orders in district court.
- □ Current order info (review all orders and obligation screens-OBL, OBLI):
- Jurisdiction to modify? Y N
- If no jurisdiction, open and close review in OBLRV as DESK, N for docs, and nojuris for results
- Send T-2 to other state advising case needs mod but no juris in OK.
- Daycare included? Y N (Look at private and state)
- INS/CM $_______
- Medical: NCP CP BP Other: ____________
- Jurisdiction to modify? Y N
- □ Verify minor status of children (CHI); If child(ren) under 12, private daycare costs $________
- □ Other cases for NCP (CLAP):
- Related FGNs: ________________________________________________
- Amount being paid $__________ (add to guidelines).
- □ Open Benefits for CP (DP DCN# or PY SSN or SSN SSN):
- Case # ______________
- Circle Services: Daycare Medical TANF
- □ Open Benefits for NCP (DP DCN# or PY SSN or SSN SSN):
- Case # _______________
- Circle Services: Daycare Medical TANF
- □ Review Income for parties on FCRL, FCRLQW, FCRLUI, FCRLSSA, OWL(sp)SSN, LOGI, & ESC msgs (average last year or most recent quarters if new employer-use best info available):
- NCP: $__________________ CP: $___________________
- □ Credit for in-home children _____ (Look at related FGNs for CP and NCP; look at IV-A cases)
- □ Shared parenting days (if in district order) ______
- □ Medical coverage available to ordered party? Y N (medical changes often-input into GLS if it is known data).
- Is it reasonable/accessible Y N
- Is it more reasonable, accessible for alternate med, IHS, or SoonerCare services? Y N
- □ Run GLS in the GLS screen and determine if mod is warranted. Use right-sizing worksheet.
- □ Update OBLRV as review initiated and if:
- No mod warranted (b/c of no change or no juris):
- DESK review, A or J as doc type, and NOCHANGE or NOJURIS as reason (using results reason issues no change letter-Use N as doc type if you don’t want letter to issue).
- Mod warranted:
- FAST review, N for docs, add hearing date, and press enter.
- Print order (R12); place in file for court day.
- If you want Requests for Info, go to ALC R04A/R04B/R04C. Set tickler to follow-up in 30 days.
- FAST review, N for docs, add hearing date, and press enter.
- No mod warranted (b/c of no change or no juris):
- □ Print and scan pleadings (R11); save as PDF; route to attorney for e-signature; then e-file; add to OAH site or district docket.
- Print LIC3 for NOIR and AN1 or AN2 for Annual Notice.
- □ Serve parties via reg mail to AOR (staff with attorney). If no AOR, send certified mail.
- □ Caselog all actions.
- □ Post-court: update OBLRV, DOCSA, HEARU, GLS, docket order in District court with GN4 and caselog. Forward file to finance. Mail copies of the order to parties. Other screens for NOIR and AN-see booklet.