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OSIS Automatic Locate Search

The automated portions of locating an NCP fall into three major categories:

  1. Automatic generation of locate documents under certain conditions;
  2. Regular automatic searches to OKDHS and non‐OKDHS databases for information about an NCP; and
  3. Automatic updates of OSIS databases (and affected screens) when locate information is received or generated.

When certain conditions are met, OSIS automatically generates the following documents:

  • Employer Verification Letter (EMP or L05);
  • Incarceration Letter (L02);
  • Military Letter (L03U);
  • Two CP Additional Locate Letters (NCP Unknown—L06 and NCP Known—L07); and
  • Non‐cooperation Letter (L01) – Non‐PA cases only.

OSIS used to auto-generate PMLs (L04). These are no longer auto-generated as they no longer indicate if a specific person receives mail at that address. They only verify that the address exists. The only reason to send a manual PML is to verify an address exists. This also applies to the CP PML (L04C).

OSIS also no longer automatically generates follow up locate letters when the system shows the first PML has not been returned. When address information is updated manually, and when initial or follow‐up letters are generated, OSIS updates related screens automatically.

The following documents may be generated manually:

  • Postmaster Letter (PML or L04A);
  • Postmaster Letter to CP (L04C);
  • Employer Verification Letter (EMP or L05);
  • Two CP Additional Locate Letters (NCP Unknown—L06 and NCP Known—L07); and
  • Non‐cooperation Letter (L01).

To manually generate a document go to the ALC screen in OSIS and select the letter you wish to send. Follow the screen prompts. The DOCL screen and Notice List (NL) are updated.

It is very important to update the DOCL, ADU, and APEU screens when information is returned. Otherwise, our efforts are wasted and needless repeated locate attempts will continue. In some instances a customer can be held in noncooperation and sanctioned.

One of the main locate tasks required of you is to ensure locate information is correct. To do that, you must confirm the identification and address information.

It is essential that only one Department Client Number (DCN) be assigned to each participant in OSIS. Therefore, you should pay close attention to identifying information (e.g., exact spelling of the full legal name, SSN, and DOB) to prevent duplicate DCNs.

Cases discovered to have duplicate DCNs must be resolved immediately. Contact the person assigned to resolve duplicate DCNs in your office for assistance.