The article details when the One-Time Special Payment Processing form should and should not be used. If you should have any questions please contact Center of Finance and Budget.
Do use the 03EN553E form when:
- A payment is made in conjunction with an active enforcement action and should be logged FGN specific:
- Contempt/bond payment
- License revocation
- Bank levy
- A settlement has a specific split agreement (e.g. 50/50):
- Worker’s compensation
- Personal injury
Do Not
Do not use the 03EN553E form when:
- The NCP only has one case
- There are multiple cases and the payment should log by NCP
- There are actions SDU cannot perform:
- If a settlement agreement involves logging a portion and refunding a portion of a check, this request should be sent to CFB.
- Send Stefanie Hanson a heads up
- There is no enforcement action or settlement agreement
A copy of the 03EN553E form is pictured below. You can also find the official form on the InfoNet Forms Page.