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Determining Retained Support

The four steps below show how to determine if the CP reported income, as well as determine if it was reported as child support and for which child.

EBHL Screen with highlights on Date, B59, B62, and B26 fields
  1. When a custodial person (CP) certifies for TANF, they must notify the IV-A worker of any income, including child support, they have received during the eligibility period. If the CP has received child support directly from the non-custodial parent (NCP), the IV-A worker will update certain PS2 transactions which will reduce the TANF grant.When proof of direct payments made during a TANF time period is received by Child Support Services (CSS), the worker must verify whether IV-A was notified. This information is essential when determining whether to include these direct payments in a retained support obligation. If child support was reported to IV-A, then that month is not included in an overpayment.Access the EBHL/EBOL transaction by typing “EBHL[C/H number]” in OSIS. This PS2 transaction displays changes to a payee’s assistance case. It displays income reported, the amount the payee qualified for, and the amount of TANF issued after any deductions.On this screen, take note of any amount listed in column B59. This column displays all income the CP reported. Column B62 displays the amount of TANF the payee qualified for in that month. Column B26 displays the amount of TANF actually issued.

    In the example shown on the screenshot below, the payee qualified for $292 in TANF. The payee reported a total of $117 in income, so $175 was issued after the reported amount was deducted from the qualified amount.

    Also take note of the date in the CHANGE DATE column. This will be used later in the research process. If this date is listed more than once, make note of the sequence (i.e. the first entry, second etc.).

    Note: EBHL is for current information while EBOL is data that has dropped off EBHL because of date parameters.

    The EBHL transaction does not indicate what type of income was reported. In order to determine if the income was child support, as well as to see for which child, review the EFHL & EFH transactions.

EFHL Screen
  1. Access the EFHL/EFOL transaction by typing “EFHL[C/H number][person ID].” This transaction is essentially a per-person EBHL. It will display dates where there were updates to the assistance case for a specific person. The person ID sequence used is the one found on CMM for the child on the family group number (FGN).Note: Just like there is an EBOL version for EBHL, there is an EFOL version for the EFHL transaction.
EFHL Screen with highlights on “EFH” next to 06/30/14 date.
  1. Look for the date that was noted back on the EBHL/EBOL transaction to view the adjustments for the specific person.In the example shown below, the 06/30/14 income reduction was reported for the child Karen Doe, person 006.The specific type of income still needs to be researched. Type “EFH” next to the date/sequence number and press enter to view benefit specifics.
EFH Screen with highlights on F95 block, “Karen Doe” in CASE NAME block, “006” in PERSON # field
  1. The EFH transaction displays person-specific information about a particular month’s benefit. Income is displayed on page 2. If the income from EBHL/B59 is child support for the child on the FGN being researched, it will be displayed in the F95 block.In the example below, the $117 reported on EBHL was child support received for child Karen Doe, person 006.Because the child support was reported as income to the IV-A worker, the TANF grant was adjusted accordingly. In this example, an overpayment would not be recorded.