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LMS Usability Updates Guide – November 2022

The LMS Usability Updates Guide is a seven-page overview of the updates that have been made to the LMS as of November 2022, and includes four main parts—Dashboard, Find Courses, Transcripts, and Team Page (Managers Only). Brief information about each part of the guide is shown below.

Access the LMS Usability Updates Guide – November 2022.

Links to the LMS Help website

Your Dashboard is the homepage that opens when you first log into the DHS Learning LMS, and it allows you to access the most important details of your online learning from one central location.

    Within the Guide, information with images will help you learn about four new or updated areas:

  1. Recent Learning
  2. Need Help?
  3. Quest Knowledgebase
  4. Navigate Using Breadcrumbs
Find Courses
To find a course, open the Find Courses dropdown menu, located on the navigation bar at the top of the page. You can either click All Courses or choose your DHS division to go directly to that course category.

    Within the Guide, information with images will help you learn about four new or updated areas:

  1. Course Details
  2. Search for a Course
  3. Browse Course Categories
  4. Expand and Collapse Categories
To access a record of your past and present training, you may select Transcript from the navigation bar at the top of the page. Your Transcript differs from your Record of Learning in two major ways by including your archived courses as well as your current learning, and by displaying additional details about each course and completion information.

    Within the Guide, information with images will help you learn about the two new areas:

  1. Current vs. Archived Completions
  2. Sort by Column
Team Page (Managers Only)
If you are a manager or supervisor, you may select Team to access the Team Members page, which lists information for all of the learners who report to you.

    There are four links under each learner’s name:

  1. Profile (learner’s profile)
  2. Bookings (past and future event sessions the learner has signed up for)
  3. Records (learner’s record of learning (transcript))
  4. Required (list of courses, programs, and certifications the learner is required to take based on their job role and service areas).
    Within the Guide, information with images will help you learn about the two new areas:

  1. Sort by Column
  2. Export