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Online Courses for CSS – an Overview

Child Support Services has many educational on-line courses.  To access these on-line courses and receive training credit, click on LMS  and sign in, then at the top of the screen click on Find Courses, and choose Child Support from the menu that appears. Click on On-line Learning (self-paced) from the list of categories to scroll through a list of online courses, or you can use the search bar to search for the name of the specific course you are looking for.

Note: Using the search field you can search the course name, summary and course description so you should have no problems finding the relevant courses.
  • Arrearage Computation This course provides information about what an arrearage computation (A/C) is, how to complete an A/C from start to finish, and when it is required or optional to complete one.
  • Building an Obligation in OSIS Building an Obligation in OSIS focuses on following the standardized procedures to build a new child support obligation in OSIS. In this course learners will explore topics such as gathering and transferring child support information from the court case to an Obligation Worksheet, identifying TANF time periods using the Paternity/Establishment worksheet, and entering information into the appropriate screens from the Obligation Worksheet.
  • Child Support Law & Policy The Child Support Law & Policy course walks Child Support workers through child support laws and policies and how to follow them when preparing for a case. Each module in this course presents detailed information about laws, policies, and procedures applicable to a child support case.
  • Child Support Safety Training This training concerns safety while teleworking. It will count as your annual safety training. Please watch the short video and review the article.
  • CSS Ethics CSS Ethics provides ethics training for all CSS employees. The course focuses on the importance of confidentiality of all DHS records, ethical issues for dealing with clients and attorneys, avoiding legal advice and opinions, and general professional issues such as promptness and dress codes.
  • CSS Orientation Part 1 CSS Orientation Part 1 provides a basic introduction to Child Support Services. This first of three Orientation courses explains to learners why Oklahoma Child Support Services is important and demonstrates how the division is structured and how it relates to other key government programs.
  • CSS Orientation Part 2 CSS Orientation Part 2 continues the introduction of Child Support Services (CSS) to new CSS employees. This second of three Orientation courses focuses on the legal aspects of CSS, how a child support case is initiated, how paternity is established, and how collections are distributed.
  • CSS Orientation Part 3 – OSIS CSS Orientation Part 3 concludes the introduction of Child Support Services (CSS) to new CSS employees. This third of three Orientation courses focuses on OSIS, the computer system used by CSS workers to track child support case information. In this course, learners will practice logging into OSIS, and entering various OSIS codes to access child support case data.
  • DHS Domestic Violence This Domestic Violence course is meant to raise awareness of interpersonal violence between intimate partners and how it affects adults and children. Learners will be provided with tools to help people who may be experiencing domestic violence.
  • Finance Access Take this course to gain access to OSIS Finance screens. A score of higher than 80% is required to pass this course.
  • Finance for Everyone Finance for Everyone is a review of Finance screens that everyone can use.
  • Genetic Testing Genetic Testing will walk you through the process for witnessing the collection of DNA using the LabCorp Chain of Custody Paternity Kit. Following completion of this course you will receive certification in Buccal Swab Specimen Collection and Chain of Custody Procedures for LabCorp.
  • How to Read a Court Order In How to Read a Court Order, Oklahoma Child Support Services employees learn to read different types of court orders that can affect child support cases and enforcement. Upon completion of the course, learners will be able to define what an order is and what makes it valid, explain the difference between a judicial order and an administrative order, identify the components of an order, and identify and locate information on an order specific to a child support case.
  • Intergovernmental Basics Intergovernmental Basics presents the fundamentals of the intergovernmental process for all Child Support Services workers.
  • Interstate Tools – CSENet This class shows how to use CSENet for intergovernmental cases.
  • Paternity Establishment Paternity Establishment for Child Support offers Child Support Services workers an overview of the process of establishing paternity for a child. In this course, learners will learn the definition of a paternity case, the requirements for establishing paternity, and how to develop new sources of information to help them research the legal relationship between a child and his or her parents.
  • Performance Measures for CSS Professionals This course provides detailed information about Performance Measures and the Self-Assessment Audit, including how they are calculated and the standards for passing each one.
  • Review & Adjust: Updating the OBLRV Screen Review & Adjust: Updating the OBLRV Screen course focuses on initiating and closing reviews with an emphasis on documenting case reviews in OSIS. By the end of this course, learners will be able to identify common reasons to perform a review & adjust, state how often TANF cases must be reviewed and the amount of time Child Support Specialists are allowed to complete these reviews once they are initiated, state the amount of time Specialists are allowed to complete reviews requested by custodial and non-custodial persons, list three review types used to initiate reviews, and determine which fields to update on the OBLRV screen to initiate and close reviews and correctly enter information in them.
  • Review & Adjust: Collect and Categorize Data This online course presents different processes of Review and Adjust pertaining to the research involved in finding income and benefit information. It also covers other pertinent data within the case, such as Family Violence, locate and child emancipation dates. It also explains how to research various OSIS screens as well as IV-A data contained in PS2 screens.
  • Safeguarding IRS Information The panel of experts in the Safeguarding IRS Information video answers questions regarding how to keep customers’ Federal Tax Information secure. After viewing the video, learners will be able to explain what constitutes Federal Tax Information (FTI), define the term “disclosure,” identify the penalties associated with unauthorized access or disclosure of a client’s FTI, identify the steps that should be taken to ensure the integrity of FTI, and explain under what circumstances FTI may be accessed.
  • Social Media for Locate Social media has become an intriguing new avenue for Child Support Services (CSS) to track down non-custodial parents (NCPs) who try to hide their locations, income, and/or assets to avoid paying their child support obligations. This course serves as training for Child Support Specialists who have been designated as “authorized users” to perform social media searches for locate. In this course, authorized users will learn how to perform social media searches while adhering to CSS’ strict ethical guidelines.
  • TANF Research This TANF training will show the common OSIS screens that are used to find additional TANF information on a case.
  • Using eKIDS for Child Support Information Learn how to access useful Child Support case information using eKIDS
  • Voluntary Paternity Acknowledgment Voluntary Paternity Acknowledgment guides Oklahoma Child Support Services workers through their responsibilities in administering the Acknowledgment of Paternity (AOP) form to new parents. In this course, learners will recognize the gravity of this form and its legal implications to families. Learners will also explore their role in administering this form and how the AOP process is handled with different family configurations.
  • Wellness for Child Support This self-directed course provides a brief overview of concepts of health and wellness, including dimensions of wellness. Recommendations for improving dimensions of wellness are discussed.

In other articles throughout Quest you can find additional information that will complement the information presented in the above courses. Some topics that were once offered as online courses have been replaced by CSQuest articles.