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Finance Action Request Requirements

FARs are submitted by district office staff to request distributed receipt adjustments. FARs are generally submitted for the following reasons:

  • Custody changes
  • Non Undistributed (UNDL)/Pended (PNDL) refund requests
  • Adjustments due to intergovernmental case issues
  • Moving receipts from retained to issued or vice versa
  • Receipts logging to incorrect Family Group Number (FGN)

FAR Requirements

Prior to sending an FAR:

  • Update case balances to accommodate the request
  • Verify that the arrearage computation (A/C) matches balances on OSIS

All FARs should include the following:

  • A description of the problem that occurred
  • The action being requested (ex: Refund NCP, CP 1>2, P>C, etc.)
  • The specific dollar amount that needs to be adjusted
  • An electronic A/C for requests over $500
  • Placed into the Finance Action Requests folder (//s94x01/workgroups/CSED/Shared Documents/ACs/Finance Action Requests)
  • Remember, to comply with IRS regulations, please do not email ACs

A court order (if the request is due to a court order)