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WKPT Worklist
The WKPT menu allows you to select the criteria for the paternity cases you want to review.
Paternity-Establishment Checklist
Checklist for tracking a paternity and order establishment case
Legal Status: What is it and why it is important
Explanation of OSIS legal status and codes
Transmittal of Acknowledgment of Paternity Form to Vital Records
Explanation of transmittal of Acknowledgment of Paternity form to Oklahoma State Department of Health Division of Vital Records.
Paternity Establishment and Basic Checklists
Legal Authorities: 42 U.S.C. § 653, 654, 666 45 CFR § 302, 303 10 O.S. § 83, 90.4 7700-101, 7700-902 …
Paternity & Establishment Basics: Notices, Screens and Hearing Codes; what to use and when to use it
Notices, Screens and Hearing codes for legal status M, P, and I cases